Written by Corliss Collins, BSHIM, RHIT, CRCR, CSM, CCA, CBCS, CPDC
On July 25, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) made a significant announcement:
HHS published a press release to declare immediate and sweeping reorganization changes within technology, cybersecurity, data, and artificial intelligence (AI). This reorganization underscores HHS technology's rapid growth and expansion in healthcare and human services, necessitating crucial strategy and policy function improvements. The urgency of these changes cannot be overstated.Â
Due to the rapid growth and expansion of technology, cybersecurity, data, and AI use in healthcare and human services, the HHS Technology Reorganization is a top priority!Â
The initial changes are designed to make three strategic and policy function improvements, providing a new and improved roadmap for the future:
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) will be renamed the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP/ONC)
Oversight over technology, data, and AI Policy and Strategy will move from ASA to ASTP/ONC, including the HHS Executive roles of Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Data Officer (CDO), and Chief AI Officer (CAIO), and
Public-private efforts between the Health Sector and the Federal Government cybersecurity ("405(d) Program"). The goal is to move ASA to ASPR and join other healthcare sector cybersecurity activities in the ASPR Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection. This move will advance the Department's one-stop-shop approach for healthcare cybersecurity to enhance ASPR capabilities and the public's confidence in HHS's ability to protect the American People.
This HHS Restructuring is intended to build on past achievements
The Department will be equipped to tackle future challenges. Cybersecurity, data, and artificial intelligence are urgent issues in the healthcare industry today. Establishing agility, accountability, and a strategic plan for the future that effectively addresses these issues is a critical first step.
Within HHS, the office will remain a staff division. Still, ASTP/ONC will take on additional responsibilities to support a broader mission as new staff and funding move into the division. ASTP/ONC will create an Office of the Chief Technology Officer and reintroduce the position of Chief Technology Officer. This role will oversee department-level and cross-agency technology, data, and AI strategy and policy, including the Office of the Chief AI Officer, Office of the Chief Data Officer, and a new Office of Digital Services HHS Technology Reorganization.
Restructured Roles will Include:
The Chief AI Officer's responsibilities include
Develop AI policy and strategy for the Department
Create internal governance, policies, and risk management methods for the internal use of AI within HHS
Ensure safe and suitable utilization of AI technologies and resources throughout the Department
Align HHS's AI approach across the health and human services sectors
Coordinate talent and training initiatives related to AI.
The Chief Data Officer's responsibilities include
Oversee the HHS data strategy
Continue to supervise data governance and develop policies
Promote data literacy and initiatives for nurturing data talent
Facilitate data collaboration and sharing, and
Manage HHS's data as a strategic asset for the Department.
The ONC has played a crucial role in health IT within HHS agencies and the technology industry. This restructuring will leverage capabilities to achieve HHS strategic goals and mission-oriented technology, data, and AI policy development, management, and initiatives. These organizational changes will guarantee that HHS is optimally positioned to support the American people during this highly dynamic period in the technology field.Â
The HHS Article Can be found here:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services           Â
About the Author
Corliss is the Founder, Principal, and Managing Consultant at P3 Quality LLC. She also serves as a subject matter expert and volunteer on the Education Committee for the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance.
Link to the HHS Article 2024 HHS AI, Cybersecurity, Technology, & Data Changes